The name of the Society is the Scottish Genealogy Society.


The objectives of the Scottish Genealogy Society are to advance education and lifelong learning by promoting the study of Scottish family history and genealogy.


The Society will or may:

Collect, organise and make available sources of information and other material relevant to the said study.

Operate a research centre and library.

Arrange and provide for or join in arranging and providing for the holding of exhibitions, conferences, meetings, lectures, classes, seminars and training courses.

Prepare, produce and publish or cause to be prepared, produced and published, free of charge or for payment, such materials as are deemed relevant.

Purchase, take on lease or exchange, hire or otherwise acquire any property and any rights and privileges, and construct, maintain or alter any building.

Sell, let, grant securities over, dispose of or turn to account all or any property or assets of the Society.

Borrow, raise money and accept gifts on such terms and on such security as shall be deemed appropriate.

Raise funds and invite contributions from any person or persons by way of subscriptions or otherwise.

Invest funds not immediately required for the objectives of the Society in or upon such investments, securities or properties as thought fit, subject nevertheless to such conditions (if any) as may at the time be imposed or required by law.

Do such other lawful things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the objectives of the Society.


The Society is a non-profit making, self-help organisation, consisting of paid-up members, from whom is drawn an executive Council as defined in section 5 of this constitution (Management).

Membership is open to anyone interested in family history and genealogy and who abides by the rules laid down in the Standing Orders of the Society.

The subscription rates for members are set at a general meeting.

If the conduct of any member is found to be incompatible with the proper running of the Society, the Council may suspend the membership of such person with immediate effect and after such investigation as the Council may consider appropriate, exonerate such person, warn such person as to their future conduct, or expel such person from membership.

A member, before he is suspended, shall have the right to put his/her case to a full Council meeting.

A member who has been expelled may re-apply for membership after 12 months. The Council retains the right to refuse such an application.

The Council may award honorary membership to anyone deemed appropriate.


The Society is managed by an Executive Council, comprising: Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Editor, Honorary Librarian and Honorary Sales Secretary, and not more than 10 Ordinary Members of Council, in accordance with the Standing Orders of the Society. With the exception of the Hon. Treasurer and Hon. Sales Secretary, who shall be appointed by Council, all others will be elected by and from the membership at a General Meeting.

An Honorary President and up to 6 Honorary Vice Presidents may be elected at a general meeting.

An Examiner will be appointed annually to examine the accounts. Examined accounts shall be submitted for approval at a general meeting.


The Scottish Genealogy Society trustees shall hold an Annual General Meeting every calendar year at a date of their choosing with participants attending in person, hybrid or virtually, according to circumstances.  Business will include the submission of reports, the receipt and approval of examined accounts, the level of subscriptions for the following calendar year and the election of office bearers.

An in person, hybrid or virtual Extraordinary General Meeting may be called either by the Trustees, or by a group of not less than 20 members of the Society submitting a request for approval to the Council. In either case the Extraordinary General Meeting must be held within 60 days.

A quorum will comprise of 20 or more members all with voting rights, at a General meeting. To be considered present, a person will attend either in person or virtually, where arrangements for virtual attendance have been made.

Only paid-up members are eligible to vote. A person entitled to vote on the business at a meeting may do so either in person or virtually where arrangements for virtual attendance have been made. When a vote is taken at a meeting that is wholly in-person, hybrid or virtual, arrangements shall be made to include a method for a vote to be cast or to be cast anonymously, if circumstances allow.


The constitution can only be amended at a general meeting.
Any amendment requires a resolution to be passed by not less than two-thirds of those present and eligible to vote. Any such resolution shall require written notice to be given in accordance with the Standing Orders of the Society.

No resolution may be passed if the effect would be that the Society would cease to be recognised by the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator as a charity for tax purposes.


All property, heritable or moveable, will be held in the name of the full Council or their successors, as Trustees for the Scottish Genealogy Society.


The Society can only be dissolved at a general meeting through a resolution passed by not less than two-thirds of those present and after written notice in accordance with the Standing Orders of the Society.

In the event of dissolution of the Society, the remaining funds and assets at the date of dissolution shall be divided amongst local bodies or organisations having objectives similar to that of the Society.